I hate the road!
makes my head go KOO KOO! and my stomach too!
SHOOT! I wish to puke! =P
my day started like this..
I was happily walking in the fields.. and POOF I woke up by my brother's kick in my thighs!
I shouldn't have been so clever promising him that I will send him to school early in the morning with my mum!
he broke my beauty sleep into pieces with that freaking kick! OUWWWW!
anyway.. I dragged myself out of the bed.. since it IS a promise..
got into the car.. yawned a couple of times..
and off we were to my primary school.. I missed that school!
it took us 15 minutes or so to reach there! =P it's very far from my home.. so what to do?!
and anyway.. on the way I saw many cars.. wow! it was only 7.30am and cars were flooding the streets..
and I saw 2 dead cats on the road too!
shoot! 2 death. so disgusting.. BLAME the cats for being so stupid crossing the roads..
and I wonder why people say chickens are the worst road crossers! LOL!
oh.. I want to say one important thing too!
many cars that I observed, around 90% of the cars contain 1 human in it only! which is the bloody driver! GEE! what a waste.. I mean like.. 90%!?
pollution much! hasn't anyone heard of car pooling?! *sigh* at least my mum drives the car with me in it which leaves 2 of us! LOL
SOD that..
I got home.. quickly ran up the stairs and hop into bed.. *snorr*
around 9.30am my mum came barging into my room and shouting at me..
GEEE! what is wrong with people disturbing me and my beauty sleep?!
don't they understand how important a sleep is to me?!
anyway.. my mum woke me up because she wanted me to go with her to the office.. not sure why..
but I shook my head vigorously a few times and she gave up..
off she went for work.. LOL! I won..
went back to my sleep..
the last time I woke up was because of my bad dream.. it was so bad that I forgot all about it.. LOL
don't care.. hmmm~ I woke up at 11.30am and I was suppose to pack my clothes and get ready..
so I 'hurriedly' rush myself to wash my face.. brush my teeth.. OK! do you really want to know what I did? LOL!
I got everything in place.. waited for my mum to come back..
my tummy was in a serious hot temper.. I didn't get to eat breakfast.. so I just had to wait for my lunch..
around 1pm my mum came back.. I stuffed all the luggage into the car.. I saw KFC! yippeeeee!
my dad came back with Hazel and we said our good byes to Tina..
hopped into the car and off we went to pick Ben up from school and we were on our way to KL!
we ate KFC in the car.. FISH! it was a mess..
no.. actually we were a mess!
we survived through the mess though.. which was a good thing..
as usual my dad craps.. his phone rings 24/7 non stop.. my mum was sick of us yapping all the way so she dozed off..
and we 4 monkeys.. no actually they 3 monkeys and me one human were making great noise about Eminem and his songs.. LOL
as usual again we will always fight.. especially with Hilda.. when she makes any of we 3 (ben, hazel and i) angry we will shoot her down till she shuts up and we high five then start a new topic to fight all over again! =P
I love my siblings.. we are useless at times but useful at times too! I don't know la. without any of us.. we wont be the Leongs! LOL!
ok I'm crapping
so we reached PJ!
and here I am.. writing a new blog post before the real monkeys which are my cousins arrive.. when they arrive I have to keep my laptop before they crush it.. LOL!
time.. it's a precious thing.. =P
Love, Hannah
PS: chickens are great road crossers!! cats suck!
PPS: u should have seen the dead cats.. their brains were smashed! EWWW! *pukes*