About Me

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Hello. The name is Hannah (or Banana). There really isn't much, really, as to what I can say about myself. Everything about me is here in my blog. From when I first hit puberty to when I am still trying to figure out how to go about mini-challenges to every day living! Love, Hannah PS: happy reading!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Breastfeeding in public

I was just watching The Morning Show on 7 & there was a pretty interesting discussion.

This topic came up of course, it’d be weird if I suddenly thought about it.

So, there was guy who complained through the newspaper saying that he was in a café having tea, and then this woman came along, it was all fine until she started breastfeeding. he commented that it grossed him out and told her to be more sensible to go to a parents room to do it or just go somewhere else.

There goes the conflict.

The Morning Show invited this really pretty commentator to comment on that topic. She mentioned that HE should be sensible to move away if he wasn’t comfortable with it. Quoting that “you’ve seen more gigantic boobs on Bondi Beach topless and even more cleavages on Hollywood carpets. so what’s the difference seeing one that is natural?”

Well, I totally agree with her. Men these days don’t mind seeing breasts anywhere, even on sites. So why complain about one that is perfectly harmless? Its just breastfeeding to a child. I find it is just a natural process. And what if it really hurts and what if the baby needs it there and then? and what if she can’t move because her food is coming and she has other children to take care of? Inconsiderate much. “Move mate’, you should be the one moving, not her..”

But then there’s another part to the argument. A man commentator said that it is a natural thing for men to look at boobs and they want to look at them. Weird enough I agree  to that. Men are born that way unfortunately. But still, it doesn’t give them  the rights to complain about breastfeeding right?

Well, that man mentioned that it is just a sexual thing when encountered with breasts. And suddenly out pops the baby out of nowhere and it just ruins the whole sexual vibe or whatever. I’m not laughing, I find it rather interesting to see the different views.

I’m not sure who I agree with. But I’m pretty sure that it isn’t the woman’s fault for breastfeeding in public. So there you go. I agree both ways but I think its just sensible that if you don’t like the sight of it, move? or don’t look. Just the same when encountered with lovey dovey couples. All the PDA and stuff, I guess people can stare, or if you’re not comfortable with it, look away and move away. That’s all.

Then, there’s another issue that popped out. About sperm donation. There’s a ‘dad’ that wants to claim his son/daughter back. Apparently he donated his sperm to this woman and told her that he would want to see his child some time, and she allowed. but it continued for 3 years and he is often there, probably 3 days a week? and when she suddenly said no to child visiting, he wanted custody.

Its pure insanity. I think the whole part of sperm donation is that you donate anonymously. Right? I don’t particularly agree with sperm donating but even by saying so, its just not reasonable to suddenly pop out and say “hey, that’s my kid. I want him/her back.”.

The Morning Show can be a pretty interesting show to watch, especially with quite significant topics and discussion. What bores me is the promoting of products and advertisements. But for the discussions, it is not bad at all. :)

Love, Hannah

Monday, March 5, 2012

an instinct for survival.

… When chaos or conflict breaks through, people often doubt easily because it is a natural instinct for survival…

[Mistrust, misunderstandings..]

That’s part of my 3rd imperfect paragraph for my essay. Took me THIS long to figure that out huh? Even when I’m going through a similar situation as my essay continues on. Heck, I believe everyone is going through a slightly similar situation. It’s the way of life.

He throws me this obstacle, believing that I might in fact be able to go around it myself, and even if I can’t, He will still provide a way out.. it is believed to be that way.

& yet, half way through my essay, I found tears. It has been quite a long time since I had them. I wanted them to comfort me before, I needed them to comfort me and help me pull myself through, but they didn’t budge. & at the time when I’m least expecting them, they just burst through. great! my essay is a mess. my life is a mess. everything I touch will turn into a mess.

then the song goes:

I will trust in you

I will trust in you.. with all my heart

.. You are my hope, my everything..


seems easy to sing, seems easy to believe when I read it, but when tested, I fail.


Love, Hannah

Sunday, March 4, 2012

English essays due!

{Society is transformed by conflict}

The effects when encountered with conflict can be both beneficial and destructive all at one to individuals as well as a whole community. Depending on the reactions of the victims of conflict, conflict can be a catalyst which builds up a firm foundation amongst people in a society. More often, conflict has the ability to separate and divide people.Therefore, histories are made up with the many stories of those who have encountered conflict and which created an impact to the society.

As the old saying goes: ‘united we stand, divided we fall’, this brings a good and simple explanation or solution to conflicts. By allowing the nature of togetherness,it lifts a society to stand firm with one another and help each other up when anyone falls. During the previous wars, women and children gather together to support and comfort one another. This way, those who are weak as individuals can have the confidence to fight for what they believe is right when congregate as a group. In the film ‘Paradise Road’, Beresford focused on the many rows of wooden crosses while the orchestra sang, it portrays their unity even in times of mourning and pain. By doing this, the orchestra group kept people strong and help them to have the hope to hope. On March 12 1930, Ghandi led thousands of men and women on his infamous Salt March. They walked for 24 days, in total of 388 kilometers, it encouraged the society to come together to fight for what is rightfully theirs. Being in harmony with each and every individual is only what it takes to create and obdurate society.

& I’m stuck there! :(

Took me an hour to figure that 2 imperfect paragraphs up. Imagine what I would do during the exam. Oh bugger!

Not only do I have this prompt to write on, I still have 2 others! UGH!

{Encounters with conflict affect individuals, their families and society as a whole}

{The impact of conflict has never ending repercussions}

Tell me I’m not crazy, these are pretty hard cored essays!! It is only normal to NOT HAVE finished them. I’m going crazy indeed.

Lets look on the bright side, the bad sides can be dumped in the negative compartment and have them locked away for now. Oh! & I think I would throw the key of the lock of the negative compartment into the deep blue ocean. Then I would never have to EVER open them up again. How simple life can be if that comes true. I can only wish..

So, today was a beautiful Sunday. The service and worship in church was phenomenal! I loved every bit of it.

Helped out with the fund raising for Easter Camp, I do have some promoting skills. Hmm~ :)

When lunch came, I met up with my grandpa. Had noodles for lunch! It was HUGE!!! & spicy.. so I was not only filled with noodles and whatever was in that and some dumplings too, I was filled with WATER!! ugh..

Well, we had a great chat. Looking at cars pass by in front of the Melbourne Gaol (Jail) and talking about his life and adventures. :) Never seen that side of him before, it was spectacular. had to bite back some tears from falling, don’t want him to see me cry. It was a good day. Except for the tram!! No tram! and the tram replacement buses were late and full! so I decided to walk. Nice weather to walk anyway, might as well do it, plus I could lose some of the weight I had put on the pass 3 days.

Hmm~ so that’s about my day. Non-productive with work, but all in all, I give today a 6 out of 10!

Love, Hannah