About Me

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Hello. The name is Hannah (or Banana). There really isn't much, really, as to what I can say about myself. Everything about me is here in my blog. From when I first hit puberty to when I am still trying to figure out how to go about mini-challenges to every day living! Love, Hannah PS: happy reading!

Friday, July 3, 2009

ah..ahh..ahhh CHOO!!!

i'm dead.my blog is dead.everything about me is dead.
i suspect myself of having H1N1 and to think about it now i really think the hypothesis should be ACCEPTED! oh no..
i'm having fever, soar throat, flu, and head ache! OH NO!! i seldom get head aches! and now?! OH NO!!!
i dont want to go to school tomorrow! STUPID hari kecemerlangan! JUST HAVE TO BE ON THE SAME DAY AS IU NIGHT! F**K~
let me pray to my guardian angel for a while yea?
Dear Guardian Angel,
I love you! and i want to thank you for taking such a good care of me so far. i think i will join you soon =) i pray that you will help me to be strong and live a life that i would enjoy for the rest of my life. i also want to ask for your guidance to guide me and my friends to go through life's hard times. last but not least i wish hard on my lucky star in the sky that IU night would go well and smoothly =) dear guardian angel, i wish i could feel your warm touch again =( where are you? In Jesus name i pray, Amen.

i'm sick of my life now. nothing seems to be making me excited over. *sigh*
anyway, i hope everyone that are going for IU night will have a great time, i dont think i would be enjoying most of it. =/
Love, Hannah
PS: sorry for not updating much now days.. =P
PPS: i still am in love with this PS thing.. not sure why..
PPPPS: asians are SOOOO close minded.. why?!