About Me

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Hello. The name is Hannah (or Banana). There really isn't much, really, as to what I can say about myself. Everything about me is here in my blog. From when I first hit puberty to when I am still trying to figure out how to go about mini-challenges to every day living! Love, Hannah PS: happy reading!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

new rules!! must obey!!

stupid school has added more school rules due to idiots that keep breaking it!
now.. the new rules are..
**WARNING!** this is dumb! for people that HAS sense of humor.. my advice to you is to stick to my blog and continue reading.. and to those that dont have any sense of humor.. FAECES! get off my land!

ok.. here i go..
  1. hair! must be tidy.. if any punky or funky or.. *im not continuing*hair styles are found.. they are to be pulled down to the 'laman puteri'.. (centre of the school) and the teachers will slop gels on the hair and comb it into some nerdy style! watch out! students that were punished will not and cannot wash it off till they reach home! TAKE NOTICE!
  2. bra! it cant be too striking in colour! has to be skin colour! if not.. teacher or prefects will pull those that are involved into the prefects room and shove a cheap, ugly and low class bra to them and they have to immediately wear it. not allowed to change back till they reach home! the bra is then washed by yourself at home and brought back the next day! (if bra were to be spoiled or ruined or lost, the student will be fined RM10!)
  3. SOCKS! prefects will be selling appropriate socks to those that have colourful ones on or too short or even too baggy. (RM3 each)
  4. name tag! if students were to be stubborn and not put on their name tags for more than 3 times, teacher or prefects WILL have the authority to hang a cardboard around the students neck with her name on it WIDE AND CLEAR!
  5. tudung! it cannot be too short and too thin. if found shorter than where it should be covering, the student will then be forced into a 'telekung' (Muslims prayer head robe? its LONG and THICK! beware of wild ghosts wandering in school, innocent souls!)
  6. eating habit. if a student is caught eating in an inappropriate time and place, she will be fined RM0.50 and her name would be taken down.
  7. rules and regulation book. if any student were to not bring that book for more than 3 times and keeps buying a newer book, the book will then increase its price!
THIS! my dear friends isn't a joke! its actually a dumb solution!
blame it on the school authority! blame it all on them!
my life.. my ******* is gone! LOL
anyway, i hope to those that wants to be a part of my school.. do! and i repeat! PLEASE think more than several times before you say yes!

Love, Hannah