About Me

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Hello. The name is Hannah (or Banana). There really isn't much, really, as to what I can say about myself. Everything about me is here in my blog. From when I first hit puberty to when I am still trying to figure out how to go about mini-challenges to every day living! Love, Hannah PS: happy reading!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

my sports day.. damn tired..

I'm the mascot.. noticed? haha.. I'm suppose to be an Indian king.. lOl! notice the moustache? lOl!!!!

anyways.. I'm cutting the whole thing short..

MY HOUSE GOT CHAMPION again! hehehe..

so damn ass happy!

woohoo and way to go OLSON! muah muah muah!!!

ok la I give some details..

I shouted till my voice 'fractured' Lol..

I was giving support and shouting to make others shout and give support..

which means I'm leading the cheers! hehe..

that Geetha la.. *sigh* because OLSON was losing hope and faith already.. because the other houses stole our songs! BLOODY blue and green! hatesssss!

we do 'kopi O' they followed, we did 'everywhere we go' they follow! we did 'we will rock you' they followed again! bloody bitches!

anyways I pulled back their faith together because Geetha was frustrated and ran off to cool down..

so I lead them! and oh my GOSH! I was singing, not.. I can be considered yelling! haha..

but it all paid off! =)

OLSON won and CRAVEN lost! muahahaha.. kiss my ass!

u know craven has been acting so annoying before sports day and said they will win here and there! so OLSON just kept quiet!

but now! yay.. who's the winner!??!? huh?? tell me!! =P



I hope next year would be better.. haha!

PS: I got sun burnt! =( so sad.. never mind.. I'll grow out of it!

love, Hannah!

apologies to CIK.ZALINA.. I was suppose to go to ECM, pizza hut to celebrate MSSD because it was a success! anyways.. sorry~