About Me

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Hello. The name is Hannah (or Banana). There really isn't much, really, as to what I can say about myself. Everything about me is here in my blog. From when I first hit puberty to when I am still trying to figure out how to go about mini-challenges to every day living! Love, Hannah PS: happy reading!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I’m happy but I’m sad! I’m crying but I’m laughing!..?

do u know what it means from the title of my post today? all I know is that I'm confused! I'm very, very confused!

I like him but I'm hurt because of him.-------1st

I like HIM because he is hot and woo~la~la..-------2nd

I still like him because I don't know! I just do..-------3rd

so now I have 3 guys in my heart.. LOL

what should I do?

anyways.. I am so going to forget all of them..

ok.. I met a new girl.. her name is R.. she moved to my school because she wants to STUDY! (lol.. that's what she said..)

and she is damn ass popular! same with S! haha.. they both are like twins!

anyways when I ate lunch today with C, S and R, I saw the 3rd guy. he looks the same attractive and hot!

and I saw the 2nd guy too! wow.. he's sweating hot!

lOl anyways.. R knows all 2 of them! what in the blue world!?!?!?!?!? gosh I felt so.. so!!!! I don't know how to express my thoughts but I felt so small! oh MI GOSH!

anyways.. I saw the 1st guy too! he rocks my socks once but now when I see him I feel disgusted! he tore my heart! OMG?!??!

*sigh* I feel like crying whenever I recall what he said to me.. I have never had that 'comment' in my entire life!

*tears flooding my eyes*

*lift head, smile and hold back the tears..*

my heart is laughing at me! why am I crying or tearing for a guy that hurt me? maybe it's the feeling I had towards him that is so deep and never expected those words to fly out his mouth! I thought he was different! different than any of the guys out there that I once had in my life! but then I noticed and finally realized that he's just the same! just the same!!!! and it disappoints me!

*rolls eyes*!!!! anyways.. I'm talking to D already! my gosh.. so many things I have to tell her! D came up to me and said hi.. and I was like.. awkward moment!!! LOL.. but eventually we chatted and ya it went well.. I missed her! I missed T! and S too! they are such good buddies! xoxo!!!

I'm quitting Mr. Sebastians tuition.. sorry Darsinee! I found another tuition already.. anyways.. I'll stop by the tuition to say hi! don't worry!


LOVE, Hannah

PS: I know PS means post script and tomorrow I'm going stadium for RAPTAI SUKAN! I'm having shot put and the disc thing! LOL! wish me luck! GO OLSON!