About Me

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Hello. The name is Hannah (or Banana). There really isn't much, really, as to what I can say about myself. Everything about me is here in my blog. From when I first hit puberty to when I am still trying to figure out how to go about mini-challenges to every day living! Love, Hannah PS: happy reading!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

confessions from my heart =D

I'm speechless because of you,

I'm excited just by seeing you,

I wonder if you have the same thoughts,

But wondering won't solve my troubled heart.

We became friends not long

until I start having this weird spark,

I don't know what of you that attracts me so much,

but I do know that you're frequently in my mind.

I don't blame you for anything

you still like her and I just started liking you.

I guess maybe it's just a normal teen thing.

Liking here, liking there and liking EVERYWHERE!

Sometimes thinking of you gives me this feeling,

like I can't wait for our little next 'meeting'.

we'd have this shy type of hi and byes..

or maybe it is just me.

all of a sudden I feel so happy to have known you,

or not I won't be having this feeling for a long time!

but I feel sad to be knowing you still like her,

I can't be compared with her,

she's smart, clever and pretty unlike me!

she's this ideal girl every guy wants so you won't be bothered by me.

=) all I can do know is to either forget this feeling

or telling you how I feel about you.

by forgetting this feeling might take time,

but I don't think I have the courage to tell you what I feel.

maybe I'd pick the first choice,

it may be for the better, who knows?

The future is unpredictable and maybe one day you'd fall for me too?

how I wish that day would come true.

like my all time fairy tale dream,

you'd hold me in your arms and whisper

"I love you and I'd never let you go"

wow.. if that happens I'd be speechless!

but I don't think in a million years you'd do that..

Anyways.. I will still be your friend just so you know.

