About Me

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Hello. The name is Hannah (or Banana). There really isn't much, really, as to what I can say about myself. Everything about me is here in my blog. From when I first hit puberty to when I am still trying to figure out how to go about mini-challenges to every day living! Love, Hannah PS: happy reading!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


when I was younger I used to buy this comic. Its called the durian princess :)

I really liked it. (: still have a whole collection of it at home! teehee~

It was one of the reasons why I was so tough on the outside last time.. haha! miss those days..

Funny how I always think that I was little bit like her.. Hard and solid and strong and bold on the outside but so vulnerable and fragile and soft on the inside..

hehe~ I want to read it again! its so nice! so nice to see how she manages to get past many obstacles even though its tough & rough!

Wonder why I’m talking about this now?! (: it was the Malaysian street fest yesterday at  Victoria Market!! 姐 bought 2 containers of durians $7 each!! teehee~ its sooooo yum! super duper yummy! miss miss durians~





love the smell of it, love the texture of it, love all of durian! its just so nice how it looks so yucky and weird on the outside but its so nice and fruitful on the inside :)

I’m taking a stroll back on my memory lane for a moment.

Remember how daddy always gets free durians from his friends (most of them own durian farms?) so ya! we’ll get them for free. after dinner we’ll rest our tummy for a bit and then we’d drag mummy and daddy down outside.. have the cloth ready. the knife ready. the rubbish bag ready and we’re ready! Daddy would always be the man to chop up the durian. looks like hard work! 谢谢你啊老爸! 幸苦你了。& I love how he always let us try to open them up ourselves. haha! sometimes we’d fail to open them up cuz we’re just not strong enough. but he will praise us anyway. and sometimes we succeed in opening them and u can just smell that victory and taste it as well! (: couldn’t have wished for a better memory of durians! one of our traditions at home! will never forget it!

I wonder when is durian season back home? have I missed it? have I miss that part of our tradition as well? :/ Perhaps in life when we leave our family and friends behind, we will have to just let go. have to create our own new ones. just like the durian! solid on the outside – makes one durian. but when u open it up u get many layers of the fruit. like the many chapters in life. *sigh*

anyway! not going to make this a sad post now would I?

Have a great week ahead!!

Love, Hannah