About Me

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Hello. The name is Hannah (or Banana). There really isn't much, really, as to what I can say about myself. Everything about me is here in my blog. From when I first hit puberty to when I am still trying to figure out how to go about mini-challenges to every day living! Love, Hannah PS: happy reading!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

it happened way TOO fast..

everyone said it was fate that he passed away.. and I really think we all had the "something" in us telling us that he was leaving soon.. but most of us kept it quiet.. he was a man that is strict and always want the best for his children and family.. he loved us all so dearly deep down in his heart and I know that! he never stop himself from putting that smile of his on his face to make us not worry about him so much.. I really love him.. and I know that all of us loved him too! he was a caring father, a loving husband and most of all a very joyful grandfather! he is my GRAND-DAD.. (mum's side)

we didn't plan of coming back to PJ after our trip to Malacca. but my dad has a meeting in PJ so we decided to spend a night in our grandies home. and we didn't know it was our last time seeing him walking around and asking us how are we. we sat down and ate and laughed but we didn't really spent much time with him. mum asked us to sleep early since the next morning we have to go back to Kuantan in the morning. hazel told me that before she slept HE called her and asked us what time we were leaving the next morning (like he usually do) but this time, after he asked and found out the answer, he turned to the corner of the bed and didn't utter a sound. so we slept as planned but non of us felt comfortable enough to sleep properly. the next morning my dad woke us up and told us we were not going back to Kuantan and asked us to pay our last respects and prayers to Him and said "he has passed away". we were shocked (like of course) and went down to see him. he was on his bed, looked pale and we started crying. I knew this was going to happen as I prayed the night before to ask GOD to take care of him and when it's time for him to leave we would not cry but instead smile and wave bye bye. but I didn't really see it coming so soon and I burst into tears and wouldn't stop. I was so sad and felt lonely. I was usually so proud of myself having all 2 sets of grandies but now..? I feel so lonely and I felt even worse seeing my grand-ma and mum crying after being so tough in front of us.

maybe it really is his time to go and he did go in a way where all of us were with him. now he maybe up in the clouds with God looking over us and guiding us through our life.


a silent prayer to him:

    Gong-Gong (that's what I call him), I'm so sorry I cried when I said I wouldn't. I'm so sorry that I didn't spend enough time with you. I knew it was happening but I denied it and now.. I'm crying again, sorry. I know u don't like us crying and u wanted us all to be happy but I promise u that I will look after po-po and mummy for u. but Gong-Gong please look at us at times to see if we are behaving well, okay? and do look after yourself up there! I love you and will always do! finally, I can now say.. BYE-BYE my dearest Gong-Gong..!
