About Me

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Hello. The name is Hannah (or Banana). There really isn't much, really, as to what I can say about myself. Everything about me is here in my blog. From when I first hit puberty to when I am still trying to figure out how to go about mini-challenges to every day living! Love, Hannah PS: happy reading!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

the hurt inside...

hello my dear 'readers'..
today i am going to talk about a girl named Hannah..
what a coincident huh?

Hannah is a girl that was born into this place called Earth. She didn't know what to expect. Everyone talked in a different language. Pity her because she can't get the attention she needs when she asked them questions. All they do is to give her a look and laugh or some even carried her and whack her butt and some even suck a bottle full of white substance into her mouth. So the years passed by and Hannah learned their language but she can't seem to follow their 'rules'. There are too many 'rules' on Earth that she seem to think its a bit weird. When she don't follow these rules she would receive several presents that would have effects on her butt. But these presents doesn't seem to be a good one because her eyes would be drained with water and these water would roll down her cheeks once she received her gifts. Humans call it tears.

Hannah had a hard time following these rules and the most hardest one is to get 'A's in her exams. She finds it really hard to keep up, and her 'parents' would give her the nag or even scolds her. She would find a quiet place to cry to herself and she would pray to 'God' (that was what they taught in church). Hannah always think of grabbing a knife and slit off her wrist because that was what all the 'stars' would do in the movies after crying. Every time she cries, she would think of all the bad things that happened to her and she would look at the scars in her heart trying to think whether there is a way to mend it. Hannah recently got scolded from her mum and those harsh words made a really big hole in her heart. She had been told that she don't fit to be in this family. Hannah looks at her body and asks herself what part of her body is fat that she can't fit? She feels so hopeless. No matter what she does it would all be wrong!

Thinking of all this makes her sad and she struggles to be happy but nothing works. She tries to forgive those humans that had hurt her but she can't rub of the hole or the scars in her heart. And all she can do is to wonder why would she be here if she was meant to be hurt? Friends seem to disappear when she really needs them. Imagining that a warm hug and an advice would make a difference but who is there to give her those? Life is a word she hates the most. That word gave her such a big effect and she don't like mentioning about it.

How she wish that her life was made simple or she don't even has to own one! *sigh* She sobs silently alone in her room before sleeping. She would have nightmares about the ones she love would leave her and betray her. And those dreams are slowly becoming reality. If one day she leaves Earth and goes to where she belongs, she hopes everyone would smile and forget about her and move on.
