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Hello. The name is Hannah (or Banana). There really isn't much, really, as to what I can say about myself. Everything about me is here in my blog. From when I first hit puberty to when I am still trying to figure out how to go about mini-challenges to every day living! Love, Hannah PS: happy reading!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Too High + Too Low = Neutral

Greetings to all!

forgive me but I want to dedicate this post to Him, for He has given me so much that I feel really over whelmed by it all.


Heavenly Father,

Thank You for all that You’ve done and all that You’ve given to me. Forgive me Lord that I’ve shown my ungratefulness through anger and sin towards You. You are not a God that is created by human hands but You are the ONLY God that has created all living things. Heaven and earth are in Your hands and only You can fill us with complete love, joy and peace in our hearts. No one and no things can ever be compared to Your greatness and glory.

Thank You Father for a wonderful family that You’ve given to me. There’s no other better family that I could ever ask for. Thank You too for everyone that I’ve met through out my life that has indirectly shaped me into who I am now. Father, you have not only shaped me but also molded me and transformed me, though I could be better and could only be better with You by my side, Lord.

I want to tell You how much I love You Lord. Thank You for giving me a voice that could contribute in worshiping You and to praise Your name and glory by singing. & not only singing but to lead other’s into worshipping You too Lord. It has been a privilege to be able to worship You together with a band of talented brothers and sisters in Christ today. I thank you for giving me such an experience and I pray that I could learn from them Lord and to grow more spiritually.

It has been a wonderful day today despite the rainy weather. I really appreciate that there wasn’t any rain when I was on my way back today after the last service. Thank You Abba Father. Forgive me Lord for I have wronged You, for I have questioned You over such a small matter & that I have placed an earthly item as my priority before You Lord. I pray for forgiveness and peace in my heart Lord that could calm me whenever another small matter like this would ever occur again. I pray that my heart would be cleansed and any hatred or vengeance would be washed away.

You are the highest of the great High Priest Lord and that You are worthy of all praise. Thank You for everything and help me to just place my trust in You for everything would be according to Your plan.

I pray all these in Jesus’s name,


I just felt the need to pray and give thanks to Him. To Him that has given it all to me.

Today has been a day filled with worship.

Was in the worship team that was leading today. all 3 services (9am, 11.15am & 6pm)

It was my 2nd time on stage, being the back up singer.

This time was AWESOME because I actually SANG and led part of some songs. Because Colin (worship leader) was playing the guitar as well as leading so sometimes he had to break off from singing for a bit and I had to lead for a while. Other than the sweet comments from many, I felt happy because I felt the love of the Lord. The songs touched me so deep today that it made me warm despite the cold and windy weather.

I loved my band members that was assigned together with me. There was Colin (leader/guitarist), Randy (b/u singer), Rachel (pianist), Paul (bassist), Andy (drummer) & I! We had fun worshipping together and to make mistakes together and laughed it off in the end. Love all of them. Oh! There was Owen (sound guy) & Abrahm (creative arts director). Thank you both SO much for the encouragement of singing louder! Smile

I had a really bad sugar rush today! *laughs* drank 2 and a half cups of chocolate! 1 from Max (with Kailyn, Vanessa, David & Mark during lunch break) where I ordered American Chocolate with Marshmallows while another 1 and a half from San Churros (with the band in between the third service). Paul gave me half of his because it was thick and hot. I ordered Chocolate Hazelnut Shake whereas he gave me his Classic Spanish Hot Chocolate. SUGAR RUSH! I felt SO full!

After the third service, when I was in the tram, I slept! Thank God I woke up in time to hop off at my stop ( or else! ) and the funny thing was that after I hopped off the tram, I ran back home. As in, I ran all the way home without pause! SUGAR RUSH indeed! but then when I came home, I crashed on the couch and snoozed off! *laughs*

But after a HIGH and HAPPY day, there’s always a tendency for Satan to do his work of ruining my mood. he would find my weakest point and squeeze it and crush it until I feel absolutely hopeless. It took me the entire time in the shower just to cool off and to worship God (singing) that I forgot about my anger and sadness. It is okay, it' is just a matter of time that the colour fades and that it becomes white again. NO WORRIES. Have faith in God, HANNAH!

Oh well, that’s mostly what happened today that made me went HIGH then LOW then NEUTRAL.

May God bless all of YOU that your week would be fruitful and that you would have a blessed week ahead!

Love, Hannah

PS: place your faith in Him and trust Him that He would provide you with all your needs and believe that He would not forsake you. (fruitful message during the sermon today!)

PPS: I watched KUNG FU PANDA 2 ytdy! in 3D! it was quite GOOD!~ but I had a headache afterwards. *yikes*