right now at this very moment, I can hear my younger sister screaming because mummy is pinching her pimples. A mixture of tears and pain. HORRIBLE!
a soft comfort voice of mummy saying its going to be over (never really), always giving the hope of pain-free-ness which arrives later than expected..
& thinking its normal, Hazel’s awesome-ness pitches in with ‘please watch your tongue’, ‘stop yelling at mummy’, and ‘shut up’! hmm~
This is my home. & I love every single bit of it..
& I got a little scolded from Daddy but that was out of fun..
‘cuz I’m the only one who calls people in the very loud and ‘cute but funny’ tone.. haha! I’ll call them this:
Hazel (Jie) : FattYYYYYYYYYY
Benjamin : BenNNYYYYYYYY
Hilda : (nothing) haha! perhaps sometimes FatttTTYYYYY [but she’ll always reply by saying she’s not fat.. lol]
[must emphasize on the YYYYYYYYYYYY.. its like EEEEEEEEEEE! haha~]
if u count properly, I call most of them Fattyyy.. :) its out of fun usually..
and it always ends with EEEEE.. so this was what happened..
whenever I call mummy, jie or ben or even Tina JieJie.. daddy will answer with his usual ‘oi!’ & I’ll be like ‘I didn’t call u.. haha!’ and he’d be ‘hmph..’
then in the car to dinner one day he said this, ‘stop calling people like that laaaa..’ n I asked why of course and asked him to listen properly next time to not confuse himself but he replied saying ‘I’m waiting for you to call me mah!’ hehe!
then the other day he told me it was getting on his nerves already.. (crappy!) LOL
oh well, must avoid doing that when he is around then and plus I’m sure he’d miss it when I’m gone! :D the thing they miss the most is the filled up silence with my voice! muahahaha~
guess I have my voice in a pretty good position! teehee!
anyway, ever since I had my hair trimmed again and this time highlighted, the sun came out! before that it was raining cats and dogs!! but now it is freakishly HOT! sheesh..
met up with Calvin, a friend met in Melbourne but all from the same hometown, today! :)
took him to a place to have Breakfast and came over to our place to chat.. He’s a pretty good chatter box! I thought we’d have awkward pauses but no, it went smoothly! great!
got my IC after dropping him back home.. wanted to take home some TongSui but the uncle didn’t open his little stall today.. oh well!!
& thanks to Ben, I’m infected with soar throat!! @#$%^&*
in the middle of the night I would wake up seeing his face facing me and coughing IN MY FACE. yikes! sigh~
all the hard work of taking care of him in the middle of the night when he had his fever has all been wiped on his dirty ass..! what graciousness, brother..!
All in all, guess there’s not much for me to report now except for : my homework is still waiting! :/ I’m now hooked onto a game called Dragon Nest (online game – RPG) pretty cool actually.. :D I have better start tomorrow! since I’m going out to see my teachers, I might as well go to the office and do my work after that instead of hanging with jie and her friends SHOPPING.. eee! no no..
*fingers crossed* I get most things dome.. :)
Love, Hannah