About Me

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Hello. The name is Hannah (or Banana). There really isn't much, really, as to what I can say about myself. Everything about me is here in my blog. From when I first hit puberty to when I am still trying to figure out how to go about mini-challenges to every day living! Love, Hannah PS: happy reading!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I'm a piece of crap.

Trials' awesome, trials' sweet
the results are shitty and it makes me sick! :'(

results by far..

BM 57% C annoyed
BI [duno] anxious and pissed
Math 90% A+ amazingly im floating!
Add Math 67% B+ sad and depressed
Accounts [duno] scared
Moral 62% B hate but love :X
Sejarah [duno] anxious and peeing in my pants
Literature [duno] gave up
Biology 64% B kind of sad
Chemistry 70% A- excited!

overall and in conclusion, i'd rather die than to go forward and see more of the worst results anyone has ever made! :'(

Love, Hannah