Holiday is here!! :) [2 weeks only & I’m rejoicing?]
I have to get myself organized during this SHORT period of time. Technically I only have less than a week to do my homework and stuff. Because I have Easter camp and Alpha camp! How exciting is that? Soon my blog will be filled with pictures, I hope.
Anyway, 1 school term has passed. & I survived [not with my head held up high but still, I survived]
I’m really worried about how I’ll go into my next term and the following terms after that! Then here comes the big exam. Though I usually don’t allow these sort of ‘exams’ to break me down, so why nervous now? Hmm.. Guess maybe I just want to make my parents proud. & by doing so, a much higher grade should be expected of me. I can do this, but I’m so not used to studying. Dislike it. Can’t wait to get out of studying zone. UGH!
Everything around me seems to be falling apart. I hope I can still hold on to those that is dear to me. But if I’m the only one holding on, soon, it’ll be impossible to NOT let go. It will soon wear me out & soon it’ll just rip me apart as well.
Had a bad dream last night. But I know it is merely a dream so it doesn’t really bother me, but to think that it might come true, I guess I just have to brace myself for it.
I practically woke up like this, felt like my whole body turned numb then jie woke up screaming too. Well, it was a bad dream night for the both of us. At least I didn’t wake up with tears in my eyes and soaked up my pillow. that would have been dreadful!
Sometimes when I get bad dreams such this, I’ll wonder why and what have I done the day before that might have made this happened. I think I got my answer. :/ oh well!
I can’t always pull the blanket up at night when I feel cold. It disturbs my sleep and it also makes a loud rumbling noise which disturb Jie too. I guess I just have to get used to the cold. It is only better that way.
Love, Hannah