About Me

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Hello. The name is Hannah (or Banana). There really isn't much, really, as to what I can say about myself. Everything about me is here in my blog. From when I first hit puberty to when I am still trying to figure out how to go about mini-challenges to every day living! Love, Hannah PS: happy reading!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

When you’re down.

Hi all my lovelies. :)

Are you feeling down or sad or really hurt now in your heart and that you have no one there to listen to you? Don’t worry, you are NEVER alone.

I used to feel that way as well. And honestly I am still sort of there. But I’m really happy to have really close friends or at least I know how to deal with my problems.

Solving whatever emotions you have on the inside could not only affect you but also people around you. Depends how you deal with it. Either in a good way or a bad way. Some times you look at people and you say “ why do they look so happy and that they seem that they have no worries or troubles at all?” HAH! that is very common. Let me tell you that everyone has their problems and please, don’t compare or judge. You will never know how much trouble or pain they are going through on the inside until you have actually been in their shoes. The reason why they seem that way is that they know how to deal with them and not allow their problems affect their daily lives. Do you know that when you see a smile or a frown on a face of a person that you might have bumped on the streets you would immediately judge or form a pre-judge on that person? So don’t be a victim of the bad side of the judgments people are forming on you. Look good.

When you smile, it helps at least 50% of your worries. When you believe in that smile, you would actually feel better and not feel so down. It works. EVERYTIME when I’m down I would fake a smile and when I fake it long enough I would feel that I’m happy. Faking sometimes help build confidence, true? But not to the extend where it makes people feel that you’re going overboard.

Okay, so how to deal with your problems? Many people look for smoking or taking drugs or drinking to deal with them. But hey! why waste money? and risk your life? it doesn’t bring good in anyway at all. You risk your health of having cancer, diseases and depression. other than that, what you’re actually doing is NOT solving your problem but sweeping them under a rug. And soon or later under that rug would be a HUGE MOUNTAIN of problems and would soon pour out.

What I would do when I feel down is:

  1. Think of whether its WORTH being down and unhappy for the whole day. No point feeling sulky and being so stupid-looking when I could actually be OUT THERE and be happy. Right? So if the answer is no, wipe that sad face off and put on that beautiful smile that the whole world would appreciate.
  2. If your answer is YES, it has a reason of being so sulky then okay, fine. How to deal with it is to either talk to someone or talk to Him. Even if you are not a Christian, praying is never a bad option. It doesn’t cause you to lose a bone from your body does it? When I pray its just the same as talking to someone really close. Because He is close to me and He is and will be close to everyone. So talk to Him. Tell Him your problems because He promised to take all our pains away. :) But remember that not only bad times you would go to Him but go to Him when you feel happy and thank Him.
  3. Another option rather than pouring your heart and tears out to someone is to try exercising. SWEAT! it makes you waste your energy on something healthy. Just make sure you don’t get yourself hurt. I would personally love to swim to get rid of my worries. I would swim till I couldn’t feel my legs when I get out of the pool. and when you want to cry in the pool no one actually knows? HAHA. :D or I would JOG/RUN. I’d RUN until my legs give up the pain. Once you’re really tired then sit down and think of a better option and how to deal with your problem. That is when your mind would be most active.

Never do something really stupid and that you could regret for the rest of your life.

If life was that CHEAP I would have gotten myself another better life too. But trust me, my life is something that I would never want to exchange with anything for because it’s the best that I could ever ask for.

If you want to ‘solve’ your problem by smoking or drugs and risk your life that way then I would really want to call you stupid! THINK properly. Why waste money buying cigarettes and drugs and kill your organs at the same time when you could donate both that money and your once healthy organs to those that really want to do something better out of it?

Chillax. When you are down, tell yourself there are people out there that are in a worse position than you are. Want to know why? YOU are in front of a bloody COMPUTER/LAPTOP (which clearly means you have just enough money or more to have a roof on your head and clothes over your body and food in your stomach) reading my blog post! ==” Am I not right?

It is just like the story in the bible where when God gives you skills and opportunities and talents, USE THEM! its your responsibility to multiply them or at least use them for good. Don’t waste them. okay?

I used to think to myself. Why do I have the money (not me exactly having the money but my lovely and wonderful parents) to go overseas and study when I don’t even know what to study and not being determined to study when there are people out there having dreams that are flying high in the sky and would want to use them for good but have no money or couldn’t afford it? *sigh* I feel that I’m wasting whatever I have. See where I’m going? So when God gave you something, USE it and stop thinking or complaining! :)

Love, Hannah

PS: Don’t worry and be HAPPY!